Saturday, October 16, 2010

California Governorship (Should be One Sided)

Not only have us Californians had to deal with seven years of budget cuts, and education setbacks, as well as billions in debt under current Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, but now we have to deal with Governor hopeful business owner Meg Whitman. You know Meg Whitman, the billionaire business tycoon who founded Ebay Incorporated and built it from the ground up starting with as little as fifteen employees. That story is all well and good, but over the past few months I, along with a lot of other fellow Californians have lost respect for her due to the fact that she basically has bought her way to the top. Whitman has spent millions of her money on negative ads against her rival Jerry Brown, made herself look bad by making faces when Brown speaks at debates and she always has a smart allic comment about California and makes it seem as if she knows what she is talking about but in reality she has no clue. Since we are in debt right now, and social security is running out and child care workers are being laid off and schools in general are losing staff and closing down, we need the new Governor to be someone with tons of experience, a proven track record, and the ability to get the state of California back in the flow of things and back to where it was years ago as one of the best states in the United States of America. I love this state, I have grown up here, started a life here, done it all here in California, and I want my next Governor to be someone I can trust, and I can tell you that I trust an experienced career politician over a savvy business owner any day of the week. How will a business owner with business ethics and the ability to negotiate out of anything be able to get us out of billions of debt? Or how will a business owner be able to get California's school back and running and educating the future of this country? In my opinion, I do not see it happening, Whitman can only do so much, and being the Governor is too tall of a task for her at this point. I am endorsing Jerry Brown because of the experience he has, the ability he has shown in the past, and the know how to know what he is doing without guidance or a nudge. Here's to hoping the next Governor of California is a voice we can trust. Jerry Brown for California Governor! When that day comes, I, as a fellow Californian, will be able to sleep better.

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