Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Sorry about not being around in a long time. I had some family issues. Still played cards everyday though. Still was on the computer almost every minute of the day. Took a few hours off during the day for myself and to spend time with family of course but overall I still played roughly the same amount of hours daily. I now start at 3:30 in the PM because that is when the big money tournaments start in the afternoon and plus I don't really like getting up early and playing right after I wake up because I can't fully concentrate that way. I have some good news, I officially won my 200th dollar playing online poker yesterday. Yes, thats' right, my 200th dollar. It only took me 49 days (which is 7 weeks) to do it. Not bad considering my other ventures as well. (I had two online accounts going). I am pretty proud of myself for that one. I really am. I will continue to play online poker. My buddy went to Tahoe with his girlfriend recently to visit her father and he told me when he got back how beautiful it was. I told him I might go in November for that WSOP Circuit Event they have going on at Harvey's casino. I hope I do well, would love a pile of cash and some respect in this world that's for sure. Oh, I am going to start double blogging soon. On Sundays from now on I'm going to double blog about poker instead of just one. Doing it to maximize my hits on my website. Let's see if it works. Got to go play a tournament now. Til next time!! See you at the felt!!

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